OCTAL’s Dairy Packaging is 100% recyclable and not only meets but exceeds the strict requirements set by the dairy industry.
Suitable for dairy applications such as Zabadi, Greek Yogurt, and Flavored Yogurt, OCTAL’s high-quality PET packaging is not only resistant to cracking when handled and processed but provides the ideal moisture and oxygen transmission for live cultured dairy products.
Eco-conscious consumers will also find that OCTAL’s fully recyclable dairy packaging sets your product apart from others. For example, unlike traditional yogurt pots, which feature non-recyclable aluminum lids, our PET lids make the entire product 100% recyclable. OCTAL’s yogurt pots offer superior break resistance, high gloss on both surfaces, and longer shelf life compared to competitors.
For more information on Thermforming sales please contact us at:
1. Yogurt / Zabadi Cups
Printed and white cups available in:
- 400g Yogurt Cup
- 170g Yogurt Cup
- 150g Yogurt Cup
- 100g Yogurt Cup
2. Dairy Lids
Lids available for:
- 400g Yogurt Cup
- 170g Yogurt Cup
- 150g Yogurt Cup
- 100g Yogurt Cup
3. Dairy trays
Trays available for:
- 400g Yogurt Cup
- 170g Yogurt Cup
- 150g Yogurt Cup
- 100g Yogurt Cup
4. Cluster trays
Our range of cluster trays enable dairy companies to create a transport efficient system resulting in a less greenhouse gas emissions and reduction in food waste.
Cluster trays are available for:
- 100ml bottles
- 120ml bottles
5. Custom tailored solutions
OCTAL’s team is at hand to provide you with custom-tailored dairy solutions resulting in cost benefits and exceeding sustainability and performance needs of dairy farms.