Positively PET
In recent years, we have increased our focus and interest on PET recycling. One of the biggest challenges that we face as industry is the reuse of our products to manufacture others like plastic. We are fully aware of the implications this represents for our Company, the planet and society, and thus we have escalated our actions towards the strengthening of our recycling strategy.
Recently, we launched a campaign that has the objective to raise awareness – through informing and educating – among our collaborators about the performance of PET as one of the world’s most sustainable packaging materials and other end-uses.

This is the first touch point with our audience. In this stage, we aim to attract employees’ attention with basic yet accurate information about PET – building internal awareness through clear, timely and personalized messages.
Communicating the what, why, and how is important to help employees understand the benefits of PET and see the positive sides of it. In this stage, it is important to share full, detailed and creative messages through all communication channels to foster a ‘change in perspective’ towards PET.
In this stage, employees fully understand and therefore accept the information received about PET. However, it is our job to keep them updated, encourage their share of voice and make them feel like they are part of something good.
Communication needs to keep flowing, continue shaping a positive experience around PET. Allowing employees to collaborate and further engage with the campaign to become PET ambassadors and create a deeper connection with PET as one of the most sustainable packaging materials.
In addition, our Corporate Headquarters of Alpek has done several actions to support this initiative, such as the initiative called: The Case for PET.